Government of Philippines and Humanitarian Partners call for additional $48 million for communities devastated by Typhoon Pablo


(25 January 2013, Manila / Bangkok): The United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator, Ms. Luiza Carvalho, and the Philippines Social Welfare and Development Secretary, Ms. Corazon Juliano- Soliman, launched today the “Revised Typhoon Bopha/Pablo Response – An Action Plan for Recovery.”

The revised action plan seeks US$76 million to help families affected by Typhoon Bopha (known locally as Pablo), which swept through the island of Mindanao between 4 to 7 December 2012, causing massive destruction to houses, public infrastructure and agricultural lands. The amount represents a 17 per cent increase from the $65 million requested on 10 December at the onset of the disaster. To date, $27 million has been contributed towards the appeal, leaving a funding gap of $48 million.

Emphasizing the immense destruction caused by Pablo, and the enormous humanitarian needs, at the launch today in Manila, Ms. Carvalho said: “Typhoon Pablo was the most deadly storm globally in 2012, and reportedly the most powerful storm to hit southern Mindanao in more than 100 years.” More than one month after Pablo made landfall as a Category Five Super Typhoon, over 6.2 million people have been affected and close to 850,000 remain displaced. More than 210,000 houses, vital public infrastructure and vast areas of agricultural land has been severely damaged or destroyed. More than 1,060 lives were lost, and over 800 others are still missing. The need for support in the coming months is critical.

Speaking at the event, Secretary Soliman emphasized the importance of implementing disaster risk reduction and preparedness activities at the community level. She also expressed her thanks to the international community on behalf of the Filipino people. “The Philippine Government welcomes the solidarity of the global community through the support given in the Typhoon Bopha/Pablo Action Plan.” Humanitarian Coordinator Carvalho also thanked donors for their generous support, but stressed that, “the funding and resources we have at present are not commensurate with the needs that we must meet.”

The revised response plan outlines how the humanitarian community, in support of Government response efforts, will continue to provide life-saving assistance and recovery support to more than 920,000 people in Mindanao, over the coming six months. Major humanitarian needs include shelter, early recovery and livelihoods, food security and agriculture, and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH).

Members of the international community have also expressed the need for greater support. During a recent mission by donors to some of the affected areas, Australian Ambassador Bill Tweddell, expressed that his country would consider additional assistance to address remaining humanitarian needs.

Notes for Editors

Available for interview: UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator: Luiza Carvalho (in English/Spanish/Portuguese) OCHA Head of Office: David Carden (English)

For more information on the Revised Typhoon Bopha/Pablo Response Plan visit: typhoon-bopha-pablo-response

Photo gallery ON Typhoon Bopha/Pablo affected areas (please credit OCHA/photographer): Launch/27699693_3Sv36q#!i=2334326558&k=J97K9pt

The Bopha Action Plan for Recovery was launched as an Addendum to the 2013 HAP for the Philippines (Mindanao). Calling for US$35.5 million, the HAP seeks to support the Government in addressing the most critical humanitarian needs and building resilience of the people in central Mindanao. In December 2011, central Mindanao was hit by Tropical Storm Washi, which claimed over 1,500 lives and affected over half a million people. The HAP aims at providing food, nutritional support, shelter, protection, water and sanitation, as well as at re-establishing livelihoods of the displaced people.