Humanitarian Partners Launch Plan to Help Typhoon Haiyan Survivors


$791 million required to help people obtain life’s necessities

(Manila, 16 December 2013): The Humanitarian Country Team in the Philippines today launched its Strategic Response Plan (SRP), seeking US$791 million to assist families affected by Typhoon Haiyan (known locally as Yolanda) over a 12-month period.

Haiyan, which struck the Visayas regions of the Philippines on 8 November, caused immense damage, leaving over 6,000 people dead, destroying livelihoods and crops, demolishing homes and obliterating essential local services. The funding requested will allow humanitarians to continue supporting the Government’s in addressing the immediate needs of people affected in the aftermath of the typhoon and help communities on the road to recovery.

“The humanitarian community’s response plan sets out priority activities to ensure that vulnerable families have access to critical food assistance, clean water and sustainable and dignified shelter, and that they receive the support they need to restore livelihoods that were decimated by the storm,” said the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for the Philippines, Luiza Carvalho. "The plan builds on the collective achievements of the Philippines Government and international humanitarian community during the first month of relief operations. The plan closely complements the Government's Yolanda Recovery and Reconstruction Plan, which is scheduled to be launched on 18 December.”

The SRP targets three million people for direct humanitarian assistance, including food, shelter and water and sanitation services. In addition, up to seven million people will benefit from support provided to local health services covered under the plan. Five million vulnerable people, in particular among the millions who have been displaced by the storm, will benefit from protection-related programming which promotes people’s basic rights and security.

Restoration of essential community services, including education, health and social welfare, and clearing of debris to improve access to homes and public services are also priorities. The SRP reflects the shared assessments and priorities of 14 UN agencies, 40 NGOs and International Organisations, and the Philippines Government.

“In my travels to the affected zone, people tell me almost universally that they are grateful for the generosity shown to date by donors in the wake of Typhoon Haiyan,” said Ms. Carvalho. “Communities affected by the storm have shown remarkable resilience and courage over the last few weeks, starting the difficult and daunting task of rebuilding their lives, in some cases from literally nothing. They deserve our continued support to help them recover and rebuild.”

The Haiyan SRP is part of the Overview of Global Humanitarian Requirements, which will be launched today in Geneva by the United Nations and humanitarian partners. As of today, the Philippines SRP is 30 per cent funded, with $237 million contributed.

For further information, please contact:

Russell Geekie, Public Information Officer, Tacloban, Philippines, +63 927 898 7513,
Gemma Cortes, Public Information Officer, Tacloban, Philippines + 63 927 600 8974,

To find the full Strategic Response Plan, please see:
To find the summarized factsheet on the SRP, please see:

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