UN and NGOs appeal for USD 62m in 2004 to assist civilians in Chechnya and neighbouring republics (Russian Federation)

Moscow, 19 November 2003. - The United Nations and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Moscow today presented the 2004 Consolidated Inter-Agency Appeal for Chechnya and Neighbouring Republics (North Caucasus - Russian Federation) for humanitarian assistance for the civilian population affected by the events in the Republic of Chechnya. The appeal seeks US $61,923,703 from the international donor community and is part of a global effort launched by the UN Secretary-General in New York on 18 November to help save the lives of some 45 million people in 21 of the world's worst crises.
Four years after the resumption of hostilities, extreme violence continues to have a devastating effect on the lives of civilians in Chechnya. A climate characterised by frequent disappearances, summary executions, rape, torture, and terrorist bombings has caused many civilians to live in fear. Serious security incidents have also occurred in Chechnya's neighbouring republics. Hostilities have destroyed much of Chechnya's economic and social infrastructure creating a dire humanitarian situation. Most people in Chechnya are unemployed, and a vast majority live below the poverty line. Despite the government work to rehabilitate infrastructure in 2003, much remains to be done to ensure the availability of shelter to all and the functioning of public services at minimum levels. Because of instability, displaced persons in Ingushetia may be unwilling to return to Chechnya in 2004 and could seek to stay where they are until the situation improves.

To meet the needs of the civilian population, the aid community will pursue the dual objectives of providing relief and recovery assistance to alleviate suffering, while building capacity of local civil society and government structures. The current level of federal and local government assistance in Chechnya and Ingushetia needs to be complemented by additional relief and recovery aid to sustain life in dignity for about 1,220,000 affected persons in the region. The right to seek safe haven in other regions of the Russian Federation, in particular in Ingushetia, and to return to Chechnya voluntarily will remain central to the programme of the humanitarian community.

Various UN agencies and NGOs plan to continue working in the sectors of protection, food, shelter and non-food (clothes, footwear, household articles, hygienic items, etc.), health, water and sanitation, education, mine awareness, and economic recovery. The UN Field Security Coordinator's Office manages staff safety and security arrangements.

The United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator, supported by the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), facilitates overall coordination of humanitarian agencies in Chechnya and neighbouring republics of the Russian Federation. Further information on the humanitarian activity in the region is available at the OCHA Office in Moscow and Nazran or on OCHA web-site: www.ocha.ru