UN Under-Secretary-General concludes visit to the Russian Federation

(Moscow, 29 January 2004): Today, the United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Mr. Jan Egeland, concluded an official visit to the Russian Federation, which included high-level meetings in Moscow and a mission to Chechnya and Ingushetia.
His meetings with Russian officials included the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Ms. Galina Karelova, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Igor Ivanov, the Minister for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters, Mr. Sergei Shoigu, the Federal Minister for Chechnya, Mr. Stanislav Ilyasov, the Head of the Migration Service, Mr. Alexandre Checkalin, the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma (lower house of the parliament), Mr. Georgy Boos, and the Presidents of Chechnya and Ingushetia. Mr. Egeland discussed a broad range of issues related to cooperation between the United Nations and the Russian Federation in the North Caucasus and elsewhere. In addition, the sides considered the feasibility of a more active participation of the Russian Federation in international humanitarian operations by involving its logistic, transportation and human resources. It was agreed that concrete forms of cooperation would be worked out through a mission of UN experts.

In Chechnya and Ingushetia, the Under-Secretary-General witnessed great humanitarian requirements there and the need for continued humanitarian assistance. He received assurances from both federal and local authorities that the operational environment and security conditions for the humanitarian community there would be improved, and that the principle of voluntary return of the displaced persons to Chechnya from Ingushetia would be observed. He was also assured that there would be no deadline for the closure of tent camps in Ingushetia. On behalf of the humanitarian community, Mr Egeland stressed the need to secure the earliest release of Mr Arjan Erkel, a Médecins Sans Frontières worker, abducted in the North Caucasus 18 months ago. It was agreed to organise a meeting on 9 February between relevant authorities, UN agencies, and humanitarian partners to discuss the expanded involvement of the humanitarian community in Chechnya, conditions for the work of humanitarian organisations in the North Caucasus, and shifting the focus of their activities from relief to recovery, where and when appropriate.

Mr. Egeland also discussed with the Russian government the response to the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster. He suggested that a new policy forum be established for discussing cooperation between Russian and the UN counterparts related to Chernobyl, and Russian officials expressed support of the UN's intention to shift from relief to development in working with Chernobyl-affected population.

Today, the UN Under-Secretary-General left for Ukraine and Belarus, countries that also suffer the effects of the Chernobyl disaster, to continue discussions of the issue.

For further information please contact the United Nations' designated public information officer on this issue, Ms. Victoria Zotikova, on (095) 956 64 05