Sierra Leone: United Nations agencies appeal for emergency assistance

New York, Geneva, Freetown - 3 December 1998 -- United Nations agencies today issued a Consolidated Appeal for US$ 28 million to respond to the humanitarian needs of over 310,000 internally displaced people and to support needs of 450,000 refugees uprooted by the conflict in Sierra Leone.
The lingering conflict and the terror exacted on the civilian population by remnants of the rebel junta continue to have a devastating impact on the lives and livelihoods of the people of Sierra Leone. Systematic human rights abuses including mutilation, sexual exploitation and forced recruitment of child soldiers by the rebels is indicative of the desperate and senseless campaign being waged.

With the political and military support of the international community, most notably by the Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS), and assistance provided by the United Nations, the prospects for an end to the protracted conflict may yet be in sight. The determination and commitment of the majority to rid the country of the undemocratic and barbarian elements acting within Sierra Leone underscore the resolve for lasting peace and recovery.

The United Nations, in cooperation with the Government of Sierra Leone, donors, international organizations and a consortium of non-governmental organizations, has set out a coordinated strategy of humanitarian assistance. The programme includes a strong emphasis on the promotion of human rights as a means of addressing the root causes of the conflict. The overall aim is to facilitate the transition from emergency to longer term initiatives. In that regard, the programme is designed to protect lives and, in targeting the resumption of development activities, safeguard livelihoods.

Copies of the appeal document may be requested from the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) / Complex Emergency Response Branch, by e-mail on: The document is also available on OCHA's website: