Statement by Sergio Vieira de Mello, USG, about Sierra Leone

I am increasingly alarmed by the humanitarian crisis in Sierra Leone which has intensified in recent days. The conflict has led to an increasing number of civilian casualties and growing population displacement, and has impeded the access required by humanitarian organizations. Relief agencies working in Sierra Leone report that all stocks of food and medicines are now exhausted or have been looted. I am also deeply concerned for the welfare of civilians and humanitarian workers affected by the fighting, particularly in the Freetown area where it is hoped that the fighting will soon come to an end.

I must therefore reiterate the UN Secretary-Generals recent call on all concerned to respect the principles of international humanitarian law, to ensure the safety of all civilians, to facilitate access by humanitarian organizations throughout the country and to guarantee the security of their personnel.

We are pursuing with the Government of Sierra Leone, ECOWAS and other parties, the possibility of gaining access to the innocent population in Freetown and other areas of the country. UN agencies, NGOs and international organizations are ready to respond to meet the needs of all affected populations but require prompt, safe and unrestricted access to do so.

New York, 12 February 1998