United Nations launches the Consolidated Inter-Agency Appeal for Sierra Leone

The United Nations today appealed for $20.2 million to meet the urgent humanitarian needs of populations affected by the crisis in Sierra Leone, including those displaced within the country as well as those who have sought refuge in the neighbouring states of Liberia and Guinea.
Although the return of the democratically-elected Government in February 1998 has brought a level of peace and stability, the consolidation of peace remains a difficult task. In the Western area and in the Southern and Eastern provinces, with the exception of Kailahun district, aid agencies have started to reactivate programmes as a result of improved security and access. In Kono district and the North, however, there has been a serious deterioration in the humanitarian situation as groups of retreating Junta forces have embarked on a campaign of terror through the indiscriminate killing and mutilation of civilians and the burning of villages.

In the last three months, more than 237,000 Sierra Leoneans have fled into Liberia and Guinea, bringing the total to over 500,000, and over 50,000 internally-displaced people have sought shelter in camps and towns in the North. The deteriorating condition of the refugees is particularly alarming. New arrivals are suffering from exhaustion, disease and malnutrition, and their situation is likely to worsen in the near future. Consideration must also be given to their other needs, including preventive and curative health care, water and sanitation facilities and shelter materials.

The overall humanitarian response to the crisis in the North has been undermined by security and access constraints. Road travel from Freetown into the northern provinces is severely restricted and most of these areas can only be reached by helicopter. In spite of these difficulties, the humanitarian community has attempted to respond to the situation. Last month, United Nations agencies, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and Médecins sans Frontières (MSF) began to charter helicopters to conduct humanitarian assessments in previously inaccessible areas. The continuation and expansion of these missions are necessary to enable relief agencies to best respond to the humanitarian needs.

In addition to securing life-sustaining support to the affected populations, the United Nations Consolidated Inter-Agency Appeal for Humanitarian Assistance to Sierra Leone also seeks to support the emergency assistance priorities and objectives of the Government of Sierra Leone, as well as efforts to facilitate peace and reconciliation.