Food Security Crisis in the Horn of Africa: How to Help [EN/AR]



■ 12.4 million people need urgent humanitarian assistance in Djibouti, Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia.

■ Famine has been declared in five regions of South Central Somalia and refugees continue to flee into Kenya and Ethiopia.

■ UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon has made a global appeal for everyone to do what they can to bridge the US$1.1 billion still required by aid agencies to reduce the loss of life.

■ In Somalia, the UN and its partners are already serving daily hot meals to 92,000 people, provided chlorinated water for 500,000 people to prevent cholera, and the emergency measles vaccination campaign to reach 88,000 children (80% coverage) and 46,000 women is already under way. An additional 1.3 million Somalis are still awaiting for humanitarian assistance.

■ In Ethiopia food aid is provided to some 3.5 million Ethiopians, and 226,000 refugees. In Djibouti, all the affected population is now receiving food aid; and in Kenya, 1.3 million drought affected people have received food aid, out of the 2.7 million targeted.