Horn of Africa Drought Crisis Factsheet 22 July 2011 [EN/AR]


The crisis at a glance

• On 20 July, a famine was declared in southern Bakool and Lower Shabelle regions of Somalia.

• Eight other regions of southern Somalia are at risk of famine in the coming 1-2 months unless aid response increases in proportion to needs.

• 11.6 million people are in need of urgent humanitarian assistance in the Horn of Africa region.

• Refugee influxes from Somalia into Kenya and Ethiopia continue, with an exodus of 3,500 people a day arriving in the past week in areas of Ethiopia and Kenya.

• More than 20,000 new refugees await registration and accommodation in Dadaab while a new camp is not yet operational pending Kenyan government authorization to begin relocation of refugees.

• Out of the US$ 1.87 billion in humanitarian requirements for Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia, more than $1.1 billion has been committed, but a shortfall of $829 million remains as of 22 July.