The humanitarian community welcomes Al Shabaab’s announcement to allow resumption of operations in southern Somalia, but needs guarantees


Nairobi, 7 July, 2011 – The humanitarian community welcomes the announcement from Al Shabbab to re-open areas under its control to humanitarian interventions, but calls for guarantees that aid workers will be able to safely reach those most in need.

In January 2010, Al Shabaab expelled some humanitarian agencies working in southern Somalia, severely curtailing aid efforts in areas currently hardest hit by drought. The current situation in southern Somalia is the worst it has been in the last decade and if humanitarian interventions do not occur immediately, thousands of people will die.

The Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia, Mark Bowden, said: “Millions of Somalis, particularly in the south, are facing acute levels of hunger and need. I welcome the suspension of restrictions on aid agencies and I am happy to cooperate with anybody who can help to alleviate the current crisis and save hundreds of Somali lives.” Bowden welcomes immediate discussions with all parties in control of areas where there are people in crisis to resume and scale up humanitarian interventions. “We stand ready to scale up assistance in southern Somalia but need guarantees that humanitarian workers can operate safely in the area and will not be targeted or agencies taxed” Bowden adds.

The suspension of some humanitarian activities in southern areas has affected millions of people in southern Somalia for the last two years. Now, the situation has become unbearable because of the drought and a catastrophic rise in food prices meaning that many families can no longer afford a daily meal. At least one in three Somali children is malnourished in parts of southern Somalia and it is feared that localized starvation exists in certain southern areas currently inaccessible to humanitarians. The number of malnourished children in Somalia has increased from 376,000 to 476,000 in the first half of 2011 and is expected to increase a further in the coming months. Southern areas under Al Shabaab control are hosting almost 80 per cent of the malnourished children.

In the first half of 2011, the number of people facing crisis and in urgent need of humanitarian assistance increased by almost 850,000 to some 2.85 million people or one third of the population. This rapid deterioration is due to the severe drought, drastically increasing food prices and continuing conflict. The failure of the rains this year resulted in very low food production. As a result, the price of cereals increased by 270 per cent in parts of southern Somalia compared to a year ago. The annual increase in the cost of the overall food basket increased by 50 per cent in the southern region; putting the minimal adequate food intake out of the reach of hundreds of already needy Somali families. As a result, many more families will face migration and other hardships which will only add to their already desperate and critical situation.

For further information please contact Roberta Russo on or +254 733 643 737 and Abdi Yussuf Noor on or +254 734 210 103