Official visit highlights UN commitment to Somalia

Nairobi (12 February 2002) - UN Agencies want to draw attention to the progress being made in Somalia, and as part of that effort, a senior UN official traveled to Somalia this week, underscoring the UN's commitment to the country. The visit followed a high-level Donor meeting in Geneva at which the UN, Donors, and members of the NGO community discussed current realities in Somalia, recognizing that stereotypes of Somalia are neither accurate nor fair.
Carolyn McAskie, the UN Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator, emphasized the UN's message that thanks to the cooperation of Somali communities and authorities, UN agencies are currently able to access large areas of the country and carry out a wide range of humanitarian and development assistance in Somalia. If the international community can provide the necessary resources, the UN is willing and able to engage further to help lay the foundation for long-term stability.

"In our view, the time is right for the international community to invest in Somalia as a test case for building long-term peace through investment in communities," said Ms. McAskie.

While visiting Somalia's southwestern regions of Bay and Gedo, Ms. McAskie, accompanied by Randolph Kent, the UN Resident/Humanitarian Coordinator, other UN officials, and Donor representatives, visited both UN relief interventions, and projects aimed at recovery and reconstruction.

In drought-stricken Gedo, a food distribution near the town of Gabraharey, and a nearby water project, highlighted the need for continuing emergency assistance in parts of Somalia. While in neighboring Bay region, the team observed a school where new UN textbooks will be used, a health facility dedicated to providing Tuberculosis treatment, and a farming cooperative targeting women heads of households to give them the means to grow and market various crops.

Ms. McAskie and her team also met with local officials and emphasized that in carrying out its work in Somalia, the UN and NGOs depend on the peace and security provided by local administrations and populations. "Although we rely on security guarantees of the authorities, it is the goodwill of the people that will ensure the safety and effectiveness of our operations. It is through close cooperation with emerging grass-root structures that we can help communities all over Somalia," Ms. McAskie noted.

The UN appealed for some US$ 83 million for Somalia in the year 2002. The UN is urging Donors to commit more funds for Somalia, which in recent years has only attracted roughly half the funding required.

For further information, please contact:

Sonya Laurence Green, Information Officer
UN Resident & Humanitarian Coordinator's Office for Somalia
Tel: +254-2-448-434, Fax: +254 2 448439, Email: