Somalia: Appeal to warring parties in Mogadishu to act with humanity - OCHA

Nairobi, 2 April 2007 - The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Somalia remains extremely alarmed about the deteriorating condition of the civilian population in Mogadishu, and calls upon all parties to act with humanity.

Over recent days, indiscriminate heavy artillery and mortar shells have rained down on the city hitting residential areas and resulting in a large but as of yet unresolved number of deaths and casualties. A hospital accommodating wounded and sick was reportedly hit on 30 March, killing one person and injuring others, while other health facilities are saturated with patients. Trapped by the fighting, many wounded are unable to access medical facilities and lie unattended in the streets.

Since 1 February 2007, almost 100,000 people have fled Mogadishu due to the fighting. Of these, around 47,000 have fled since 21 March alone and have no access to shelter, water or food. The number continues to increase on a daily basis. Lack of access to the city and its surroundings due to the fighting has severely hampered humanitarian partners from scaling up the response to meet the vast needs.

All parties are urged to take all the necessary measures to prevent unnecessary human suffering. Any deliberate attempts to prevent wounded and, or civilians from receiving assistance and protection are intolerable, and in gross violation of international humanitarian law.

The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Somalia hopes that the tenuous calm in Mogadishu since yesterday will hold so as to enable humanitarian partners to assist civilians and the displaced.

For further information please contact:

Rita Maingi - OCHA Information
Mobile: +254 722 334671
Office: +254 20 3754150/5