Somalia: Civilians caught as fighting escalates

Nairobi, 24 December 2006 - In the fourth day of active conflict, fighting has escalated between forces allied to the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) and the Islamic Courts Union (ICU) in and around Beletweyne town and in Daynunay, south of Baidoa, as well as in several locations south of Galkayo. Reports of indiscriminate shelling in and around Beletweyne has led to large numbers of people fleeing from town centres.

The Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia, Mr Eric La Roche urged all warring parties "to comply with the rules of international humanitarian law to spare the lives of those not involved in hostilities. Indiscriminate shelling is a clear violation of the laws of war and has a devastating impact on the most vulnerable segments of the country. People must have the option to move from areas of active conflict; safe passage is a prerequisite and the responsibility of warring parties to ensure." He added that "fighting is ethically unacceptable at this moment."

Indeed, the frail humanitarian situation in Somalia is presently aggravated by widespread flooding, which has already displaced an estimated 454,500 people in Juba and Shabelle riverine areas. In August 2006, 1.4 million people (in addition to 400, 000 internally displaced) were identified as being in need of urgent humanitarian assistance and protection. The consequences of any widespread conflict overlaid on the present situation would be disastrous.

The Office of the Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia reminded that the UN and its partners launched an appeal in December to enable the mobilization of a full humanitarian response. To allow relief to be delivered to avoid further suffering from the renewed fighting, he urged both sides to ensure unconditional humanitarian access.

For more information, please contact

Reena Ghelani - OCHA Somalia
Tel: (254-734) 210103