Somalia Monthly Humanitarian Update, July 2024


This report is produced by OCHA Somalia in collaboration with humanitarian partners. It provides information on the humanitarian situation across Somalia in July 2024.


- Armed inter-clan violence has displaced nearly 150,000 people in different parts of Somalia, especially in Galmudug and Jubaland States. Partners are assisting those affected.

- The Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia and the OCHA Head of Office visited Somaliland to meet the cash coordination committee, ministers and partners.

- A joint UN mission visited Dhuusamarreeb to discuss with authorities emerging humanitarian issues, funding, prioritization, advocacy, aid diversion and security.

- Somalia joined the global community to celebrate World Hepatitis Day, highlighting the significant health burden of viral hepatitis. Urgent action is needed to improve prevention, diagnosis and treatment.

- A project supported by Somalia Humanitarian Fund is providing clean water to more than 1,000 families in Qurdubey Village in Gedo region, Jubaland State.


People need humanitarian assistance in 2024.

People targeted for humanitarian assistance in 2024.

People displaced by conflict/ insecurity since January.

Funding required for 2024 Humanitarian Response Plan (HNRP).

Funding received for HNRP as of 2 August 2024.

Armed inter-clan violence displaces thousands from their homes

42,000 displaced in Luuq area, Gedo region

Armed inter-clan violence in Luuq area of Gedo region between 5 and 7 July displaced about 42,000 people, including 12,000 people who were forced to flee to hard-to-reach locations outside Luuq town such as Yurkud, Ceel Boon, and Bashiiro. Some of those displaced moved towards Wajid in South West State. The violence is believed to have been triggered by a dispute over land ownership.

On 27 July, OCHA coordinated an inter-agency mission to assess the impact of the violence in which four civilians died. About one third of those affected were found to have been displaced to hard-to-reach locations and are not able to return home. Mediation efforts are ongoing to allow civilians to return. Those newly displaced include communities that were already displaced by floods and are now experiencing secondary displacement. About 1,5000 hygiene kits have been distributed by the Water, Hygiene and Sanitation Cluster and some ongoing activities have been reprogrammed to meet new needs. However, most humanitarian agencies are at the planning stage and have not started providing assistance.

Over 26,000 displaced in Mudug region

Clan conflicts in Mudug region from 26 June to 2 July forced over 26,000 people to abandon their homes in the remote areas of Galdogob and Jariiban districts, according to an assessment conducted by humanitarian partners between 14 and 19 July. The affected area borders Galmudug and Puntland States. Disruption of nutrition activities, including a mobile team and closure of health facilities were reported in Buq Qalooc village, Jariiban district. Those displaced are particularly vulnerable, with women, children, and the elderly people making up the majority. The clashes also resulted in significant casualties; over 35 people, including civilians, were reportedly killed. An estimated 30 per cent of the displaced people are livestock herders who managed to flee with their livestock. The assessment team observed an estimated 15 to 20 per cent increase in food prices in affected locations.

In response, International Medical Corps has reached 288 affected people with health and nutrition interventions in Saaxqurun and Qoryaweyn villages and International Rescue Committee is providing emergency water trucking services and hygiene kits to 1,050 people in Bandiradlay and Saddex Higlo. It is also providing comprehensive case management services to women and children affected by serious violations; facilitating referrals, as required – including mental health and psychosocial support, alternative care, and medical services in Bandiredly and Sadeh Higlo in Galdogob.