Somalia: UN condemns the murder of Somali human rights activist in Mogadishu

Nairobi, 15 March 2006 - The UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia, Mr. Eric Laroche, strongly condemns the assassination of Isse Abdi Isse, Chairman of Somali human rights NGO KISIMA, yesterday in Mogadishu.

"Isse was a dedicated human rights defender in Lower Juba and actively involved in the humanitarian cause," Mr. Laroche said. "Isse championed human rights causes in the region for many years and his death is undoubtedly a loss to all Somalis who at this time are seeking peace and reconciliation. Civil society organisations, such as KISIMA, that continue to operate in Somalia under very difficult conditions are increasingly becoming the target of attacks as a result of the work they do."

Mr. Laroche sends his most heartfelt condolences to Isse's family and urges the Somali authorities to open a just and fair investigation into the incident.

Isse Abdi Isse was shot dead in the Kamal Hotel where he was participating in a workshop. KISIMA is partner to many humanitarian organizations active in human rights and protection issues.

For further information please contact:

Rita Maingi, Information - OCHA Somalia
+254 20 3754150/5
+254 722 334671