Somalia: UN Humanitarian Coordinator appeals to Mogadishu combatants to end violence

Nairobi (22 March 2007) - The UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia, Mr Eric Laroche has condemned the recent violence in Mogadishu, which is greatly increasing the suffering of Somalis in and around the city. He has called on all combatants, whether in uniform or not, to desist from further acts of aggression and to respect civilian life.

'This is a tragic situation,' Mr Laroche said today. 'Tens of thousands of people are fleeing Mogadishu and civilian casualties are mounting daily. The dragging of bodies through the streets is barbaric. This is a gross violation of international humanitarian law, and these kinds of acts must cease immediately."

The UN estimates that more than 40,000 people fled Mogadishu due to conflict in the month of February. Recent statements by the warring parties naming areas to be targeted for security operations are already resulting in further displacement of civilians.

Movement of local UN staff in Mogadishu is severely restricted by the violence, while humanitarian access from outside the city is currently impossible. The Humanitarian Coordinator is calling for immediate access to all civilians affected by the recent upsurge in violence. 'The neutral and impartial humanitarian response desperately required can only take place if there is unimpeded access.'

For further information please contact:

Rita Maingi - +254 722 334671

Molly McCloskey + 254 727 659100