Somalia: UN welcomes investigation into the murder of staff member

Nairobi (6 October 2005) - The United Nations has welcomed the prompt efforts of the Somali authorities including the regional Juba Valley Alliance (JVA), to investigate the murder of UN staff member Mohamuud Musse Gurage.

"The killers must be apprehended and action taken against them, and we encourage the JVA and the people of Kismayo to do just that." UN Resident/Humanitarian Coordinator Maxwell Gaylard said today. "This murder is an outrage against all that the UN stands for, and an act of cowardice against a defenseless UN worker."

Mr Gaylard continued to say that the UN mandate is to support the Somali people in their development and peace-building efforts and that UN staff need to be safe in order to carry out their duties. "It is particularly unfortunate that this should happen at a time when Somalis are at last beginning to move towards peace and reconciliation with the support of the international community and the recent UN re-engagement in Kismayo."

Mr Gurage was one of a team of UN field security staff serving in Somaliaas part of the UN system responsible for the safety and security of UN humanitarian and developmental staff. He was shot and killed by two men outside his home on the night of Monday 3 October 2005.

On behalf of the United Nations, Mr Gaylard has sent his condolences to the wife and children of Mr Gurage who worked for the UN for several years.

For more information, please contact:

Sandra Macharia, Information Officer, RC/UNDP Somalia
Tel: (254 20) 4183640/2; Fax: (254 20) 4183641; Email: