Somalia: World Humanitarian Day commemorated on airwaves and online


(Mogadishu, 20 August 2015): Tens of thousands of people in Somalia were able to partake in this week’s commemoration for World Humanitarian Day on 19 August, through social media and by listening to radio broadcasts encouraging them to ‘share humanity’ in line with this year’s theme.

Popular peace activist Ilwad Elman, one of the most famous young women in the country, launched a video call — shared widely on Twitter and Facebook — to her fellow Somalis. Ms. Elman, who had left for Canada with her family when she was 18 months old, decided to return to Somalia at age 19. She works with children disassociated from armed forces and groups, and with survivors of sexual violence. “Through my work, I can play a small beautiful part in their lives”, she said. She denies that her return to Somalia was courageous or heroic: “Kindness and humanity, doing good for others, is not extraordinary. It is something all humans are meant to do”.

“My message on World Humanitarian Day is that sharing humanity is something that comes innate to all of us. All Somalis have a role to play in creating a better Somalia. Today, I encourage everyone to share humanity by doing one thing that makes this world a better place for their fellow human beings”, said Ms. Elman.

In cooperation with OCHA, a panel discussion on World Humanitarian Day was held in the Somali capital Mogadishu by Radio Dalsan, one of the most popular radio channels in south-central Somalia. In addition to Ms. Elman, it featured anti-female genital mutilation campaigner Ifrah Ahmed, and several Somali journalists. The broadcast is estimated to have reached at least 50,000 people.

The Somalia Humanitarian Coordinator, Peter de Clercq sent a video message from Diinsoor, located in Somalia’s Bay region. “We celebrate the spirit of the Somali people, who are extremely resilient, who are humanitarians at heart, and are proving that by sharing the little that they have with the people around them”, he said, “We will continue to work together towards a better Somalia, where the humanitarian spirit will prevail, as the Somalis have proved to us over a very long period of time”.

For further information, please contact:
Maurizio Giuliano, Public Information Officer a.i., OCHA Somalia,, +254-738-999985