Statement attributable to Mark Bowden, United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia, 07 Jul 2008

Office of the United Nations Resident & Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia

(Nairobi, 7 July 2008): The United Nations in Somalia condemns in the strongest possible terms the brutal murder Sunday night of Osman Ali Ahmed, Officer in Charge of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), in Mogadishu.

Osman Ali Ahmed, a Somali national, was shot by unidentified gunmen as he, together with his son and brother, left the mosque after prayers. He died on his way to the hospital. His brother was also shot and seriously wounded in the attack.

'Osman Ali Ahmed was a highly respected UNDP staff member who had performed his duties with great courage and commitment over the past 14 years. Our condolences and profound sympathy goes to the family and loved ones of Osman Ali Ahmed and our thoughts and prayers to the family of his brother', said the United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia, Mark Bowden. He added:

'If this is indeed another example of a targeted killing of UN and non-UN humanitarian and development workers in Somalia, it is particularly outrageous and worrying at this critical time, when the need for humanitarian assistance is rapidly increasing.'

The United Nations is urgently taking measures to ensure the protection of staff working in Somalia and minimize their exposure to risk while at the same time maximizing the effectiveness of vital humanitarian work. These measures would involve prioritization of essential operations.

'The humanitarian situation in Somalia is such that we must continue our work to save lives and alleviate human suffering. While we explore various ways of ensuring staff security, it is clear that the ultimate protection comes from the Somali people and communities themselves', said Mark Bowden.

'We depend on the Somali people to assist us in getting the humanitarian assistance through. We know that the Somali communities have been very supportive of our work in the past. We now ask them to redouble their efforts to provide an environment in which aid and services can be delivered'.

For further information, please contact:

Jens Laerke, Public Information Officer
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA-Somalia)
Tel: +254 (0)722 513 503