UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia strongly condemns the killing of two journalists, harassment of the media and calls for end to impunity

Nairobi 12 August 2007 - UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia, Eric Laroche, has strongly condemned the killing of two prominent figures in the Somali independent media within hours of each other on Saturday 11 August and called for decisive action to ensure the freedom and safety of the media. These are the most recent in a spate of attacks against the media in Somalia which brings to six the number of journalists killed in the country this year.

Saturday's first victim was HornAfrik Radio journalist Mahad Ahmed Elmi, who was gunned down by four unknown men in the morning. The second, Ali Iman Sharmarke, was the founder and chairman of HornAfrik and was reportedly killed in his car by a remotely detonated device as he returned from his colleague's funeral. Two other journalists traveling in Sharmarke's car escaped with injuries.

Sharmarke was a Somali-Canadian who returned to Mogadishu nine years ago to establish and manage the media group. The group works regularly with the United Nations on AIDS and mine awareness, child soldier recruitment and other programmes. Both victims were respected figures among Somali journalists who strive to keep alive freedom of information and principles of impartial and accurate reporting in Somalia's violent environment.

A third journalist, Abdihakim Omar Jimale, from Radio Moqadishu, was also victim of an assassination attempt on Friday evening and is still under medical supervision for his injuries. No group has so far claimed responsibility for these crimes.

On Friday morning nine journalists and other workers of Radio Shabelle were seized for several hours without court order by a senior police officer who was looking for the journalist who had just broadcast a report about a security-related event the night before. Journalist Mohamed Abdi Farah 'Afgoye' has been in hiding since and fears for his life. The same radio station had been threatened a few days before by a foreign diplomat whose threats were recorded and broadcast by the station.

The UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia, Eric Laroche, strongly condemns this spate of attacks, and now targeted killings, against journalists. At this trying time he wishes to convey his personal sympathy to the families and colleagues of the victims and to express solidarity with members of a profession that perform vital work in fulfilling the right to know.

The UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia calls on all authorities and other groups throughout the country to respect the right of all to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information through any media. The violent events of the last days show how vulnerable freedom of expression remains in Somalia. The Transitional Federal Government is responsible for ending impunity for attacks on journalists by conducting prompt and impartial investigations and preventing any form of harassment of the media. Furthermore, the draft legislation on media must ensure that freedom of information and media, as enshrined in article 20 of the Transitional Federal Charter, is fully protected. ENDS

For more information please contact,

Susanne Morrell: +254-720204992
Renaud Detalle: +254-734057137