United Nations calls for safe passage of humanitarian relief supplies in Somalia

Nairobi, Friday 29 December 2006 - Humanitarian relief efforts in Somalia on behalf of flood - and conflict-affected people is continuing despite the recent eruption of fighting, and the United Nations calls upon all parties to continue to ensure the safe delivery of urgently needed assistance.

In particular, the UN calls for the safeguarding of tonnes of humanitarian relief supplies that are being transported through the port of Mogadishu.

Throughout the recent conflict, there has been no looting of humanitarian supplies in southern Somalia. Yesterday, a UNICEF ship loaded with 50 metric tons of BP5 food and Family Relief Kits destined for families affected by the floods and the conflict arrived at Mogadishu's port. On 26 December, a WFP-chartered ship loaded with 4,500 metric tons of food aid destined for similar beneficiaries docked at Mogadishu port. While the administration of the port changed, dock workers continued to unload the vessel and by today had unloaded 2,226 tons of food.

"The situation is fast changing in Mogadishu but we trust that all parties will continue to ensure that aid supplies remain safe, and that humanitarian agencies are able to deliver these emergency supplies to those in need," said Eric Laroche, Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia.

Given the reports of sporadic looting of private property in Mogadishu, there are concerns about the safety of humanitarian supplies. "We trust that for the good of the Somali people, all parties will take all necessary measures to prevent any such incidents," added Laroche.

For more information please contact

Amanda Di Lorenzo, 0734 210102 or Molly McCloskey - 0727 659100 OCHA Somalia Tel: (+254) 020 3754150-5 Fax: (+254) 020 3754156 http://ochaonline.un.org/somalia