United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator appeals for funds for the Humanitarian Response Fund for Somalia

Nairobi (11th October 2004) - The Acting United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator, Mr Jesper Morch appeals to the international donor community to make contributions to the Humanitarian Response Fund for Somalia.
"The humanitarian community working in Somalia is doing all it can to respond to the devastating drought that is affecting an estimated 700,000 people, and will be appealing wider donor support in the near future," said Mr Morch. "However, support for the Humanitarian Response Fund right now would help us to put urgent projects into place, and save lives and livelihoods of thousands of drought affected people without delay."

Since April 2004, the Fund has disbursed over US$ 1million to international Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) for projects in prioritised drought and conflict affected areas of Somalia, including Gedo, Lower Juba, Sool, Sanaag, Bari and Nugal regions. In Somalia, where access is limited and often difficult, the quick turnaround speed of this fund means agencies on the ground can respond to critical needs quickly with urgent humanitarian assistance. The Fund is almost completely exhausted, while the needs on the ground are increasing with the failure of the recent rainy season.

The Humanitarian Response Fund was established during 2004 as a means to provide rapid funding for emergency interventions in Somalia, and is administered by OCHA through an Advisory Board made up of UN Agencies and International NGOs. The Fund has been supported by the UK Government's Department for International Development (DFID), and by the Norwegian Government.