Update on Humanitarian Response South Regions and Mogadishu - 1 June-July 19 2011 [EN/AR]


Food Assistance

• 270,000 people have received food rations in southern regions of Hiraan and Banadir including more than 85,000 people receiving cooked meals in 20 feeding centres on a daily basis in Mogadishu supported by WFP and partners

• 54,000 additional people received food assistance from NGOs in Bay, Lower Shabelle and Mogadishu.


• 35,700 people including children benefited from distribution of high energy foods and from support of Outpatient Therapeutic Programme (OTPs) by Nutrition Cluster partners in Gedo, Middle Juba and Mogadishu

• 800 children were treated for malnutrition in 12 OTPs centres in Gedo region

Shelter and Non-Food Items (NFI)

• 90,000 people have been reached with 15,000 NFI kits distributions in Mogadishu, Belet Xaawo, Gedo and Doobley, Lower Juba

• 126,000 more people are targeted with 21,000 NFI kits distributions in the coming days (including a distribution that took place on 19 July Ceel Waaq, Gedo region) in southern regions through international NGO partners.

Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

• 292,000 people have received hygiene kits such as aqua tabs in southern and central regions including Mogadishu

• 32,000 people have benefited from newly constructed and rehabilitated water points in Lower Juba and Mogadishu

• 12,700 people are benefiting from 600 latrines constructed in Dharkenley, Mogadishu.


• 331,000 children under 5 years of age were vaccinated against polio in Banadir and Galgaduud regions in June

• Nearly 3,000 people including 2,300 children were treated for Acute Watery Diarrhoea (AWD) in Banadir Hospital in Mogadishu from January to 24 June, with 110 related deaths

• 235 health workers and doctors were trained on basic and advanced surgical trauma management for children in Banadir hospital, AWD management and Effective Management of Essential Medicines and Rational use at Hospital level

• 6,500 weapon-related casualties including 1,480 children have received treatment in the three main hospitals in Mogadishu since January.

Shelter and Non-Food Items

• 10,200 NFI kits distributed to new IDPs in Arabiska (Afgooye Corridor), Ceel Cefreed (Balcad Corridor) and Hamar Weyne district in Mogadishu

Agriculture and Livelihoods

• 24,500 farmers benefited from seeds distribution, cash-for-work programmes in Lower and Middle Juba regions

Contact Roberta Russo on russor@un.org or +254 733 643 737 and Rita Maingi on maingir@un.org or +254 734800 120