Update on Humanitarian Response South Regions and Mogadishu - January-June 2011 [EN/AR]


Food Assistance

• 300,000 people were reached in Mogadishu basis with food assistance on a monthly including providing more than 85,000 cooked meals from 20 kitchen sites daily.


• Approximately 100,000 malnourished children were treated through some 418 nutrition centres in southern Somalia from January to May 2011.

Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

• 1.9 million people benefited from WASH interventions – access to safe drinking water, rehabilitation and construction of new water facilities and distribution of key hygiene messages and practices on malnutrition.


• 1.8 million children were immunized against polio during National Immunization Days (NIDs) specifically in parts of Mogadishu

• 1 million children under 5 years of age and 1.1 million women were reached with vaccinations during the Child Health Days campaign

• 50,000 people were assisted through the distribution of emergency health supplies through 4 interagency health kits, 3 Diarrhea treatment kits and health posts kits.

Agriculture and Livelihoods

• 781,800 people benefited from increased access to food and nutrition and protection of critical livelihoods assets in the southern regions.


• 42,900 people were reached with protection initiatives including psychosocial, legal, medical and protection through livelihoods support in south and central regions.

Shelter and Non-Food Items

• 93,000 people received shelter and NFI kits especially in Mogadishu where the majority of the displaced arrived from other regions due to the drought.

Contact Roberta Russo on russor@un.org or +254 733 643 737 and Rita Maingi on maingir@un.org or +254 734800 120