$485 million now needed to save lives and build resilience in South Sudan


Juba, 20 June 2013: Aid agencies in South Sudan require $485 million until the end of 2013 to help 3 million people survive and rebuild their lives, shows the mid-year review of the UN’s largest aid operation in Africa.

Working in close coordination with the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management, as well as with the Relief and Rehabilitation Commission, UN agencies and non-governmental organizations have been able to implement up to 90 per cent of their plans for the first six months of the year, in spite of working in one of the toughest environments anywhere in the world. For example, aid agencies: provided food and livelihoods support to some 821,000 people; carried out 772,000 health consultations; helped some 224,000 refugees and 40,000 returnees to rebuild their lives; cleared over 900 km of roads of mines; and put over 22,000 children into emergency education.

“While the needs of many vulnerable communities in South Sudan stabilized in the first months of 2013 thanks to an improved harvest and lower than expected numbers of refugee and returnee arrivals, there are areas where we see a downturn. Hostilities have displaced tens of thousands of people and shattered livelihoods in parts of Jonglei,” said Toby Lanzer, the UN’s Humanitarian Coordinator in South Sudan. “We are also now in the lean season and 2.2 million people need food and livelihoods assistance,” he continued.

“The contribution of the United Nations agencies and their partners to end suffering and give hope to the people of South Sudan is significant, and we in the Government will work with all concerned to make sure that aid agencies can carry out their vital work,” said the Chair of the Relief and Rehabilitation Commission, H.E. Peter Lam Both.

“During the rainy season, which poses huge logistical challenges, we plan to fulfill our commitment to civilians in need, and we now seek the continued generosity of donors,” Lanzer added. The thorough review resulted in a 9 per cent reduction in overall requirements from $1.16 billion to $1.05 billion. As of mid-June, donors had contributed some $567 million, leaving a gap of $485 million. Thirty per cent of this is needed for immediate priority projects to help people survive.

The Mid-Year Review of the Consolidated Appeal is available: http://www.southsudancap.info or http://www.unocha.org/cap/appeals