CERF approves $5.4m for medical services and transport to help civilians in Jonglei


Juba, 5 June 2013: The United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) has given aid agencies in South Sudan $5.4 million to strengthen emergency medical capacity and two helicopters needed to assist tens of thousands people affected by ongoing hostilities in Jonglei state. The funding will boost partners’ capacity to treat patients injured in clashes by providing much needed medical equipment and supplies and support staff. The two helicopters are vital to access and treat injured civilians or evacuate them.

The situation in Jonglei State has deteriorated since hostilities between the South Sudan army and non-state armed actors flared up in March 2013. Tens of thousands of civilians have been displaced by the violence, leaving most population centres abandoned and health centres looted or destroyed. “I am deeply concerned about the safety of civilians in Jonglei, many of whom are in urgent need of medical assistance,” said Toby Lanzer, the UN’s Humanitarian Coordinator in South Sudan. “This funding will help us to access remote areas and enable us to reach people struck by violence. Aid workers must be able to reach people in need, and I count on all parties to ensure that we can do so.”

For more information, contact:
Tapiwa Gomo, Head of Communication, UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in South Sudan (gomo@un.org / +211 922406079)

Amanda Weyler, Reporting Officer, UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in South Sudan (weylera@un.org/ +211922473115)