Humanitarian chief congratulates South Sudan on second anniversary and reaffirms aid community’s commitment to people in need


Statement by Toby Lanzer, Humanitarian Coordinator in South Sudan

Juba, 8 July 2013: “On behalf of the humanitarian community, I congratulate the people of South Sudan on the second anniversary of their independence. Their resilience and determination are an inspiration to aid organizations and their staff.

While the overwhelming majority of South Sudan’s citizens enjoy peace and stability, violence continues to affect the lives of some. We estimate that about 100,000 people in both Pibor and Pochalla counties in Jonglei are in urgent need of assistance, and that their situation will only worsen as we move further into the rainy season.

The goal of humanitarian agencies is to reach people in need, wherever they may be, and for civilians to be able to access aid safely. I am therefore encouraged that the South Sudanese Government and armed forces have confirmed that humanitarian personnel can operate freely throughout the country. This commitment will help us, in close coordination with the authorities, ease the suffering of tens of thousands of people in the coming weeks and months.

Facilitating access for aid agencies will show South Sudan’s commitment to humanitarianism and to the welfare of all its citizens. A society is often measured by how it treats its most vulnerable members. Meeting the needs of the people affected by violence in Jonglei will contribute to a more peaceful and prosperous South Sudan, where the benefits of independence are enjoyed by all.”

For more information, contact:

Michelle Delaney, Public Information Officer, UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in South Sudan ( / +211922 406078)
Amanda Weyler, Reporting Officer, UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in South Sudan ( / +211 922473115)