Joint call by Mr Toby Lanzer, UN Humanitarian Coordinator for South Sudan and Mr Ali Al-Za’Tari, UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Sudan on the governments to resolve the situation of nationals living in each other’s state


(Juba/Khartoum, 3 September 2013): On behalf of the humanitarian community, we encourage the Governments of South Sudan and Sudan to implement fully the Agreement on the Status of Nationals of the Other State, signed on 27 September 2012, which provides for the four freedoms of residence, movement, property and economic activity to nationals in each other’s state. We applaud the setting up of the Joint High Level Committee to oversee the management and decision-making of issues relating to these individuals, and we encourage both Governments to scale up efforts to provide nationals of the other state with documentation, including residency and work permits. We appeal to the Governments to facilitate the safe and voluntary return for those who wish to return, especially those stranded at the Kosti Railway station in Sudan and other extremely vulnerable individuals in the two countries, with due consideration given to the sustainable reintegration of these individuals into communities. We also encourage the Governments to lead the return process and appeal to the international donor community to assist this endeavour. We stand ready to continue to support the two Governments in this regard.

** For more information, contact:

Michelle Delaney, Public Information Officer, UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in South Sudan ( / +211922406078)

Alimbek Tashtankulov, Reports Officer, UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in Sudan ( / +249912170417)

OCHA press releases are available at | www.unocha/org/Sudan Facebook: UNOCHA South Sudan | Twitter @OCHASouthSudan Facebook: UNOCHASudan | Twitter @OCHA_Sudan

The Humanitarian Coordinator in South Sudan can be followed on or @tobylanzer

The Humanitarian Coordinator in Sudan can be followed on or @alihalzatari