Flexibility Guidance: The South Sudan Humanitarian Fund (SSHF) in the context of COVID-19 pandemic, 15 May 2020


This document has been prepared to inform SSHF stakeholders on additional measures put in place by the SSHF management to enable SSHF respond with greater flexibility, through simplifications in the current funding arrangements, yet keeping accountability over the use of funds. The guidance, while specific to South Sudan, is in line with the global guidelines for country based pooled funds (CBPFs) in the context of COVID-19 pandemic issued by the Emergency Relief Coordinator.

1. Background

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic is impacting the South Sudan Humanitarian Fund (SSHF) operations and their partners in different ways. The OCHA Humanitarian Financing Unit (HFU), in charge of the management of this country-based pooled fund (CBPF), is swiftly adapting to this new environment and remain very dedicated to support humanitarian partners despite the challenges faced. This situation created by the COVID-19 pandemic requires the SSHF to respond with greater flexibility, through simplifications in the current funding arrangements, yet keeping accountability over the use of funds. After an analysis of the evolving situation and related challenges which the Fund is beginning to face, and following requests from partners, OCHA at HQ level has agreed to put in place some extraordinary measures that will allow all key stakeholders to continue providing life-saving assistance to those in need.

To ensure that the SSHF and their partners have the greatest possible impact on the global efforts during this unprecedented crisis, any future SSHF allocations should be in alignment with the Global HRP COVID-19 and the upcoming COVID-19 Addendum to the 2020 South Sudan HRP, provided that it is not at the expense of other lifesaving activities that the SSHF already support. The SSHF should continue to promote complementarity with other funding sources, including with the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) and other pooled funds in country i.e. the Access to Health Fund.

All SSHF partners are encouraged to implement flexibility measures also for their sub-partners, promoting equitable partnership agreements.

This guidance note will be reviewed periodically and revised as required.