Humanitarian Coordinator welcomes President's order on humanitarian access


(Juba, 13 November 2017): The Humanitarian Coordinator for South Sudan, Alain Noudéhou, has welcomed President Salva Kiir Mayardit’s decree ordering free, unimpeded and unhindered movement of humanitarian organizations in the country.

“Ensuring unhindered humanitarian access is essential to save lives,” said Noudéhou. “South Sudan’s humanitarian partners appreciate the step that President Kiir has taken to ensure the free movement of supplies and personnel, particularly at a time when food insecurity continues to deteriorate and humanitarian organizations face pressure to expand their response.”

“We hope that the order will have a positive impact in reducing the many constraints faced by humanitarian partners that delay or prevent the provision of urgently needed help and which too often place humanitarian staff at risk,” he added.

“We look forward to seeing the order implemented on the ground swiftly and we will continue to work with all concerned authorities to ensure a safe and secure operational environment that is conducive to the timely delivery of humanitarian assistance to people in need.”