Media Advisory: Humanitarian Chief Mission to South Sudan 4-5 March 2017


WHO: Stephen O’Brien, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator

WHAT: Mission to South Sudan

WHEN: 4-5 March 2017

WHERE*: Ganyiel in Panyyijiar County and Juba

Following his missions to Yemen and drought-affected parts of northern Kenya, UN humanitarian chief Stephen O’Brien is traveling to South Sudan from 4-5 March to see firsthand the critical humanitarian situation and response. Famine was declared in Leer and Mayendit counties in South Sudan on 20 February.

In addition to the 100,000 people already facing starvation in Leer and Mayendit, a further 1 million people are on the brink of famine in the country. More than 3.4 million Sudanese have been displaced, including 1.9 million people internally displaced and more than 1.5 million who have fled to neighbouring countries as refugees.

On mission to Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan and Yemen between 26 February and 7 March, Mr.
O’Brien is meeting with affected people and stakeholders in the response to the four humanitarian crises.

Mr. O’Brien will now visit Somalia from 6-7 March.

*Locations subject to change.

For further further details on possible media engagements for each leg of the mission please contact:

South Sudan Guiomar Pau Sole, Public Information Officer, Tel +211 920100411

Somalia: Tapiwa Gomo, Somalia Head of Communication,, Tel. +252616548007
Antonette Miday, Public Information Officer,, Tel. +254 731 043 156

Kenya: Farah Dakhlallah, OCHA Regional Head of Communication +254(0)786633633