Press release: Humanitarian Coordinator calls for urgent scale up of humanitarian assistance in Tambura


JUBA, South Sudan, 12 July 2018 – “Today (12 July) we visited Tambura, in Western Equatoria, South Sudan, which in recent weeks has witnessed an influx of over 18,000 IDPs following an escalation of fighting in the surrounding areas. Having been driven from their homes and fled to safety they are in urgent need of safe shelter and humanitarian assistance. The delegation included OCHA, UNICEF, UNHCR, UNMISS, WFP, and World Vision.

“Today we met with a group of recently displaced women and community leaders who are struggling to provide their families with the necessities they need to survive. In my conversation with the Governor of Tambura State, we agreed that their needs cannot be neglected due to challenges relating to access, in accordance with international humanitarian law.

"These women shared their hope that the high-level peace talks currently ongoing will lead to an immediate ceasefire. They also expressed their desire to return home when fighting stops. Until then they need to be provided with dignified shelter, food and water.

“The UN leadership in South Sudan have serious concerns about the deteriorating situation in Tambura. We are calling on all sides to facilitate safe access for humanitarian assistance in order that we can provide crucial assistance to displaced populations.

“On our part, we are committed to support our partners to provide further assistance based on need including the delivery of vital supplies. Most urgently we will provide emergency latrines to recently displaced populations to protect communities from the potentially catastrophic spread of water borne disease. We commend our field colleagues for their ongoing swift response with very limited resources.

“Our main concern remains for the wellbeing of families, particularly children, who play no part in fighting but need basic services to survive. We will continue to monitor the situation and remain dedicated to providing assistance where needed.”