South Sudan: Humanitarian Coordinator Condemns Death and Destruction in Malakal Protection of Civilians Site


(Juba, 19 February 2016): The Humanitarian Coordinator for South Sudan is deeply saddened by the tragic killing of at least 18 people, including two aid workers, and appalled by the destruction of humanitarian facilities and civilian shelters, during the violence in Malakal Protection of Civilians (PoC) site.

The Humanitarian Coordinator sends his deepest condolences to the families of those killed and calls on all those responsible for this violence to be held to account and for all those with influence to ensure there is a return to calm.

“The events which took place on 17 and 18 February in Malakal Protection of Civilians site are utterly reprehensible,” said Mr. Eugene Owusu, Humanitarian Coordinator for South Sudan. “The PoC site was established as a place of refuge for people fleeing for their lives. It is absolutely unacceptable that this place of refuge has become a site where people have been killed and injured.”

Humanitarian partners are rapidly mobilizing additional supplies to respond to the new needs generated by the violence and have already set up temporary water points and treated people wounded during the fighting.

Prior to the violence, there were more than 47,000 internally displaced people (IDPs) in Malakal PoC. Several thousand IDPs have fled from the PoC to Malakal town, while thousands of others have relocated away from sectors affected by fighting and fires to other areas within the site.