South Sudan: Humanitarian Coordinator strongly condemns armed robbery of Nile Hope compound in Juba


(Juba, 23 November 2015): The Humanitarian Coordinator for South Sudan, Mr. Eugene Owusu, strongly condemns the armed robbery of the Nile Hope compound in Juba on 20 November. During the robbery, aid workers were held at gunpoint and significant assets of the NGO were taken. This is absolutely reprehensible and those responsible must be identified and held to account.

The staff of Nile Hope and other humanitarian workers work day in and day out in dangerous and difficult locations across South Sudan to help people in dire need.

“Violence and crime against humanitarian organizations in South Sudan are jeopardizing the ability of aid workers to provide assistance at a time when humanitarian needs are greater than ever,” said Mr. Owusu. “This is unacceptable and must stop. I call on all actors to respect and protect humanitarian staff and assets.”

The Nile Hope compound robbery is the latest in a string of violent incidents affecting humanitarian partners operating in South Sudan. In the month of October alone, humanitarian partners reported 32 cases of attempted or successful robbery, burglary and looting affecting their operations, including 15 in Juba. A humanitarian worker was killed during a compound robbery in September.

“I call on all relevant actors including government to work together to strengthen our collective resolve to protect the safety and security of humanitarian workers,” said Mr. Owusu.