South Sudan Humanitarian Fund Operational Manual, 28 July 2021



  1. The South Sudan Humanitarian Fund (SSHF) is a multi‐donor Country‐Based Pooled Fund (CBPF) established in 2012 with the aim of ensuring coordinated, timely, and flexible funding to humanitarian organizations working to address the most critical needs of the most vulnerable people in South Sudan. The SSHF allocates resources to a wide range of humanitarian actors International Non‐Governmental Organizations (INGOs), National Non‐ Governmental Organizations (NNGOs), and United Nations agencies (UNs) with projects aligned to the humanitarian response plan. Funding decisions are made in consultation with the humanitarian community to ensure collective response, ownership and accurate prioritization in‐country. The SSHF is managed locally by the United Nations Office for the Coordination (OCHA) under the leadership of the Humanitarian Coordinator (HC).

  2. The UNDP Multi‐Partner Trust Fund Office (MPTF Office) serves as the Administrative Agent (AA) of the SSHF, in accordance with the annex to the Operational Handbook1 . The AA receives contributions to the SSHF from donors, disburses funds upon decision of the Humanitarian Coordinator to the respective Participating UN Organisations (hereafter “the PUNOs”), and provides related financial reports and statements. The PUNOs assume full financial and programmatic accountability for the funds disbursed to them by the AA, use the funds to undertake projects approved by the HC, and provide related narrative and financial reports.

  3. The operational manual for South Sudan is issued by the Humanitarian Coordinator and endorsed by the Advisory Board. To ensure its relevance and effectiveness, the HC will revisit this Manual as needed to adjust the general direction and programmatic focus of the Fund.