South Sudan: US$1.5 billion needed to address the humanitarian needs of 5.6 million people in 2020


(Juba, 12 December 2019) The humanitarian community today officially launched the South Sudan Humanitarian Response Plan for 2020. The plan requests US$1.5 billion to reach 5.6 million people with urgent life-saving assistance.

“Despite a period of relative stability since the signing of the revitalized peace agreement in 2018, humanitarian needs remain high. Some 7.5 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance or protection and 3.7 million are displaced inside or outside of the country. Women and children continue to be the most affected,” Alain Noudéhou, the Humanitarian Coordinator in South Sudan, said. He added: “The people of South Sudan are impatient for peace. The coming year offers great hope that the country’s leaders will begin the long road to recovery from conflict.”

With improved access across South Sudan, the United Nations and hundreds of nongovernmental humanitarian organizations are committed to working together with the authorities and affected communities to re-build lives and livelihoods. Humanitarians will also align their efforts with development partners to meet most urgent needs while reducing vulnerability and needs in the longer-term.

“Reaching and protecting vulnerable people, especially previously inaccessible communities, is central to the 2020 response,” said Mr. Noudéhou.” We want to reduce hunger, see a decrease in the number of infant and maternal deaths, give people access to the basic services they need to survive, and build resilience in communities so they can cope with continued shocks, like the recent floods.”

In 2019, about 5 million people have been reached with assistance through the Humanitarian Response Plan, thanks to the dedication of thousands of humanitarian workers, most of whom are South Sudanese, and the generosity of donors who have contributed more than $1 billion toward the 2019 response. “The ramifications of not investing in next year’s humanitarian response in a timely manner would set back the gains made to date to improve people’s well-being and living standards.
The humanitarian community stands with the country and its people to deliver assistance to those most in need, whoever and wherever they are. I call on the signatories to the revitalized peace agreement to build people’s confidence in the country’s stability and on donors for their sustained support,” said the Humanitarian Coordinator.

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