Statement by Humanitarian Coordinator ad interim, Ahmed Warsame, on the occasion of South Sudan's Fourth Celebration of Independence


Juba, 9 July 2015: “On behalf of the humanitarian community, we congratulate South Sudan on the fourth anniversary of its independence. Today is a day for celebration of this nation’s long sought independence. This is also the moment to reflect on the terrible costs borne by its citizens in the many years of conflict leading to independence. The humanitarian community stood in solidarity with those who suffered in the wars that ended with the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) and celebrated with you at the nation’s establishment as a sovereign member of the world community.

Last year on this day, we saluted the frontline humanitarian workers, the bulk of whom are brave South Sudanese. We appealed to both the Government of South Sudan and the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) in Opposition to ensure an enabling environment for the safe and effective delivery of humanitarian assistance. We continue to call on all parties to the conflict to do their utmost to keep aid workers safe from harm. South Sudanese aid workers in the deep field locations form the backbone of the aid operation and have worked tirelessly to deliver life-saving assistance to people suffering as a result of the continued fighting.

As in previous conflicts in this territory, today, the humanitarian community stands in solidarity with all those who suffer here. We are fully committed to the humanitarian principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality and independence as we deliver life-saving assistance to the millions of South Sudanese who, instead of enjoying peace in their nation, live in a state of fear, hunger, illness and destitution.”

For more information, contact: Mr. Tapiwa Gomo, Head of Communication, UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in South Sudan ( / +211 922406079) or Guioma Pau Sole, Public Information Officer, UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in South Sudan ( +211 (0) 920100411)

For more information about the humanitarian situation in South Sudan visit