Statement by the UN Humanitarian Coordinator in South Sudan, Mr. Toby Lanzer: "Up to 100,000 People Displaced in Unity State in May Alone"


Juba, 8 May 2015: “Since the beginning of May, military activities south of Bentiu in Unity State have forced up to 100,000 people from their homes. Civilians living in the areas of and around Guit, Ngop and Nhialdu have been particularly struck by violence and, in an attempt to avoid it, have fled. This comes at the peak of the traditional planting season, when people need to be able to move freely and safely to be able to tend to their crops.

In accordance with International Humanitarian Law it is incumbent on all forces engaged in military activities to protect civilians. People should never be harmed, and certainly not targeted or forced to flee from their homes.

UN agencies and their partners are urgently seeking access to areas of Unity State to assess the needs of people and to respond to them in a timely manner. I call on state and non-state armed actors alike to take all measures to prevent civilians from being hurt or displaced, and to facilitate fully the work of aid agencies responding to the needs of populations, based on the principles of humanity, impartiality and neutrality.”