CERF allocates $2.2 million for humanitarian demining in Sri Lanka

The ERC approved a request for CERF funding from the United Nations Resident Coordinator of Sri Lanka. $2.2 million will go to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to jumpstart a $5 million demining project to be carried out together with the Government of Sri Lanka (GoSL). The project is intended to contribute to creating conditions that would speed up the safe return of internally displaced Sri Lankans now staying in camps.

Between January and May 2009 approximately 300,000 people fled the combat zone in northern Sri Lanka, and were settled in camps, mostly in and around the town of Vavuniya. The place of resettlement appears to be hindered by a range of factors. With CERF funds, demining equipment, including metal detectors, personal protective equipment for 200 deminers, and three mini flail machines will be procured to expedite mine survey and clearance in the North to support the resettlement of IDPs. An interim International Technical Advisor will also be recruited for three months so that humanitarian mine action in Sri Lanka is implemented in conformity with standard operating procedures so that land can be released for safe IDP returns, and for socio-economic recovery of return areas.