UN Emergency Relief Coordinator confers with IDP returnees in eastern Sri Lanka

(New York, 8 August 2007): John Holmes, United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator (ERC), visited areas of eastern Sri Lanka where more than 160,000 civilians had become internally displaced between October 2006 and May 2007. While visiting affected communities, he noted the efforts of the Government of Sri Lanka in returning the displaced to their home areas.

"It is tragic that those affected by the tsunami three years ago had to flee again due to renewed conflict," said Mr. Holmes while visiting a settlement of conflict-displaced civilians in Palemeenmadu, north of the town of Batticaloa. He said that he was "deeply touched" after witnessing the difficult living conditions of the internally displaced who live in the coastal zone ravaged by 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, which killed approximately 40,000 Sri Lankans.

In his meetings with the local authorities, the ERC stressed the need for improved cooperation between the Government, United Nations agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in supporting the return of the internally displaced. Due to displacement, over 100,000 people in the Batticaloa district were unable to farm their fields during two agricultural seasons and therefore rely on food assistance until new crops provide them with new income. Mr. Holmes called on the local authorities to open all areas to United Nations and NGO humanitarian operations and to redouble the Government's efforts in restoring public services and restarting the local economy. "The United Nations will continue to assist all conflict-affected populations of Sri Lanka," he stressed, while speaking to newly-returned civilians in a village of Paddippalai, south-west of Batticaloa. "If people have chosen freely to return to their homes, we will help them to re-establish their lives wherever we can."

The visit took place on the third day of Mr. Holmes' visit to Sri Lanka, aimed at strengthening dialogue between the United Nations and the Government on provision of humanitarian assistance to conflict-affected communities in the north and east of the country. Before departing from the island on 9 August, the ERC is expected to meet the President of Sri Lanka Mahinda Rajapaksa.