Additional US $1.6 million brings Government of Norway’s funding of Common Humanitarian Fund in Sudan to $8.4 million this year [EN/AR]


To help address Sudan’s growing humanitarian needs, the Government of Norway has contributed an additional US $1.6 million to the Sudan Common Humanitarian Fund (CHF), following an US $8.4 million contribution earlier this year.

‘The CHF provides timely assistance and fills critical gaps in our response to humanitarian needs in vulnerable parts of Sudan” said Morten Aasland, Norway’s Ambassador to Sudan. “This year we have seen an unprecedented number of large scale humanitarian crises in different parts of the world, including Sudan’s two neighbors South Sudan and the Central African Republic. This creates enormous pressure on funding. But at the same time, it is very important that we that reach those in need without unnecessary complications.”

Norway’s contribution will allow humanitarian organizations to provide urgent assistance to those affected by food shortages following conflict and floods. The funding will also allow the UN, international NGOs and National NGOs to work in remote areas in Darfur and East Sudan also to meet growing needs of refugees who have fled violence in South Sudan.

“Since the beginning of 2014, the number of people in need of humanitarian aid in Sudan has risen by 800,000 people, with some 6.9 million people now requiring assistance,” said Ali Al-Za’tari, UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator. “Norway’s generous contribution will allow agencies to address the critical humanitarian needs of thousands facing food insecurity, malnutrition and lack of healthcare in remote and underfunded regions across Sudan.”

Since the fund’s inception in 2006, the Government of Norway has generously allocated US $137 million. Currently CHF funded projects are providing critical assistance across Sudan, to Internally Displaced People, refugees and local communities. Approximately 64 per cent of the projects are in Darfur, where they aim to reach almost 6 million people.

The Sudan CHF is a multi-donor pooled fund that supports the timely allocation and disbursement of funds to Sudan’s most critical humanitarian needs. To date, the Sudan CHF has received and granted over one billion dollars to aid organizations in Sudan.