Central Emergency Response Fund allocates US$86 million to support aid efforts in ten chronically neglected crises


(New York, 17 January 2014): The United Nations Humanitarian Chief and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Valerie Amos, has allocated US$86 million to sustain emergency aid operations in some of the world’s worst, yet most neglected crises.

The funding from the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) will ensure life-saving relief work continues in ten countries, including in Colombia, Myanmar, Sudan and Yemen, where needs are high but financial support is low.

“People living through some of the most critical humanitarian crises do not always receive the attention that they need,” said USG Amos. “These allocations will go to help millions of people who are caught in crises that have been forgotten or overshadowed by other emergencies.”

Some $5.5 million from the allocation will allow UN agencies in Myanmar to maintain operations in Kachin and Rakhine states where thousands of families, who were affected by fighting and displacement, continue to need humanitarian assistance. The ERC has also allocated $11.5 million to help people in Mali who are still feeling the impact of the deadly inter-communal violence that left many displaced in 2012.

The rest of the funding from the under-funded emergencies allocation will support relief efforts in Chad ($10 million), Colombia ($4.5 million), Djibouti ($4 million), the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea ($6.5 million), Haiti ($6 million), Sudan ($20 million), Uganda ($4 million) and Yemen ($14 million).

CERF pools donor contributions into a single fund so that money is available to start relief work immediately when needs arise. Globally, the fund allocated almost $482 million in 2013, of which over $174 million went towards aid work in chronically under-funded crises.

The UN General Assembly established CERF in 2006 to make funding for humanitarian emergencies faster and more equitable. Since then, 125 Member States and dozens of private-sector donors and regional Governments have contributed more than $3.35 billion to the fund. Since its inception, CERF has allocated more than $3.2 billion for humanitarian agencies operating in 88 countries and territories.

For further information, please contact:
Amanda Pitt, OCHA New York, +1 212 963 4129, +1 917 442 1810, pitta@un.org
Tomas de Mul, CERF secretariat, +1 917 367 6013, +1 917 250 8400, demul@un.org
OCHA press releases are available at www.unocha.org or www.reliefweb.int

Infographic: CERF Underfunded Emergencies 2014 Round 1 (as of 15 Jan 2014)