CERF allocates $5.2 million for emergency interventions in Sudan

In response to the needs of tens of thousands of IDPs fleeing armed conflict in the country, CERF has allocated some $5.2 million for humanitarian response in North Darfur, Sudan.

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) will receive some $4 million to implement emergency interventions for newly internally displaced populations. Some $900,000 has been allocated to UNICEF, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) for emergency health interventions for IDPs in Zam Zam Camp and surrounding areas. Finally, UNFPA will use some $250,000 for life-saving response to gender-based violence among newly displaced persons.

Armed conflict between Government and armed groups in North Darfur started in December 2010 and has recently intensified, affecting the Dar El Salam locality. New displacements have been reported and IDPs are said to be either on their way to Zam Zam, Tawilla and Shangil Tobaya, or places deeper in the mountains. As of March 2011, the number of estimated IDPs was over 75,000.

An estimated 61,000 people have arrived in Zam Zam IDP camp according to UNOCHA and the results of UN joint rapid assessment missions. Women and children make up the largest portion of the population, which has resulted in women being the sole providers for the household. This has exposed them to greater risk of discrimination and violence. Zam Zam camp is also considered “a stronghold for rebel groups” and lacks security presence, especially for children. Several children and women interviewed have showed deep signs of trauma from rights violations and family separation due to parents and caregivers looking for livelihoods elsewhere.

Much of the affected population has settled in open areas without proper shelter, and water and sanitation, food, security, health, nutrition, education and psycho-social support are all needed.