Flash Appeal for Sudan floods: $20.2 million required for ongoing relief


(Khartoum/New York/Geneva: 28 August 2007): The United Nations and partners, in support of the Government of the Sudan, are launching a Flash Appeal today, requesting $20.2 million to support continued humanitarian aid to over three million beneficiaries in the flood-stricken country.

"These funds will enable us to save lives, to assist families who lost everything in gradually restoring their livelihoods, to prevent deadly epidemics, and to help children get back to school", said John Holmes, United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator (ERC). On 17 August, the ERC had approved a grant of $8.7 million for the emergency, from the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF).

The Flash Appeal contains 48 projects, to be implemented across the country by seven United Nations agencies, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and 16 non-governmental organizations. The areas worst affected currently include the states of Blue Nile, Gedaref, Gezira, Jonglei, Kassala, Khartoum, North Kordofan, Red Sea, Unity, Upper Nile, and White Nile.

Citing total requirements of $34.7 million, the Flash Appeal asks donors to fill a gap of US$ 20.2 million. "The amount is substantial, but we are optimistic that the international community will continue to respond generously to this natural disaster", said Oluseyi Bajulaiye, United Nations acting Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in the country. A total of $13.5 million has so far been allocated from United Nations pooled funds, including CERF and the local Common Humanitarian Fund (CHF).

With the funds committed so far, the United Nations and partners have been able to provide clean water to more than one million people and emergency shelter to 200,000, but more funding is now needed to meet the needs of an additional 265,000 who may be directly affected by new flooding. In addition, the funds will also go toward providing 3.5 million people with chlorinated water, to repair the immense damage caused to livelihoods, and to rebuild and repair at least 195 schools as well as infrastructure, including private homes.

Since the beginning of July, torrential rains have caused flash floods in many parts of the Sudan, defined by many locals as the worst in living memory. Over 410,000 people have been directly affected, at least 200,000 of whom were rendered homeless. The populations of entire regions are and remain indirectly affected by the damage to local livelihoods, which caused the death of at least 12,000 livestock, and the loss of over 42,000 hectares of crops. At least 3.5 million people could be at risk of epidemics, such as acute watery diarrhoea (AWD), which has already killed 57.

For further information, please contact:

Maurizio Giuliano, Public Information Officer, United Nations, Khartoum Email: giuliano@un.org Tel: +249-9-12174454

Nahla Zarroug, Information Analyst, United Nations, Khartoum Email: zarroug@un.org Tel: +249-9-12160065

Stephanie Bunker, Spokesperson, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), New York Email: bunker@un.org Tel: +1-917-3675126

Elizabeth Byrs, Spokesperson, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), Geneva Email: byrs@un.org Tel: +41-22-9172653