The Government of Denmark contributes DKK15 million (US $2.3 million) to the Sudan Common Humanitarian Fund for 2015 [EN/AR]


Khartoum, 02 March 2015. The Government of Denmark has contributed DKK15 million (US $2.3 million) to the Sudan Common Humanitarian Fund (CHF) for 2015. Denmark has been a committed supporter of the CHF, having contributed DKK126 million ($ 22.7 million) since 2008. This valuable contribution comes at a critical time when funding for humanitarian action is scarce and humanitarian needs are growing.

In relation to this year’s contribution the Danish Minister for Trade and Development Cooperation, Mr. Mogens Jensen, said: “The humanitarian situation in Sudan remains extremely serious and is worsening in some areas. The continued unrest in parts of Darfur, Abyei, South Kordofan and Blue Nile still generates severe displacement of civilians, who will need assistance and protection. Furthermore Sudan has received more than 120,000 refugees fleeing from the ongoing violence in South Sudan. My decision to provide funding for the Sudan CHF reflects Denmark’s continued commitment to assist Sudanese civilians in need and provides the UN Humanitarian Coordinator with crucial flexible funding to respond to these needs.”

Humanitarian partners in Sudan continue to ensure the continuity of cost-effective humanitarian interventions that have an impact on addressing the urgent needs of people in Sudan. Funds contributed by Denmark will be disbursed in the 2015 CHF First Allocation Round for vital life-saving projects that provide health, nutrition and sanitation services in the areas affected by conflict.

“Denmark’s timely contribution to the Sudan CHF is greatly appreciated as it will help ensure that humanitarian assistance continues to reach the most vulnerable communities,” said, Adnan Khan, the Humanitarian Coordinator a.i.. “CHF funds will be used to support top and high priority humanitarian interventions across Sudan.”

The Sudan CHF is a multi-donor pooled fund that supports the timely allocation and disbursement of funds to Sudan’s most critical humanitarian needs. To date, Sudan CHF has received and granted over one billion dollars to international NGOs, national NGOs, and UN Agencies, Funds and Programs enabling them to implement life-saving projects. In 2014 CHF allocated US $54.8 million for humanitarian action across Sudan.