The Government of Ireland contributes over three million US dollars to the Sudan Common Humanitarian Fund in 2014 [EN/AR]


Khartoum, 16 December 2014. To help address growing humanitarian needs in Sudan, the Government of Ireland has contributed an additional US $ 1,891,551 to the Sudan Common Humanitarian Fund (CHF), following its contribution earlier this year of US $1,362,200.

“The funding which Ireland is providing will help the UN and its partners to respond effectively to the immense humanitarian needs in Sudan, including by improving nutrition, ensuring greater access to clean water and to healthcare, and addressing other critical humanitarian gaps,” said Seán Sherlock, Ireland’s Minister for Development, Trade Promotion, and North-South Co-operation.

In particular, funds will be utilized by national and international non-governmental organizations, as they constitute 50 per cent of CHF recipients. In addition, funds will ensure that live-saving projects continue to provide assistance to those in need.

“Timely CHF allocations, such as Ireland’s, constitute a key source of support for the numerous activities in Sudan, in addition to what is provided by the relevant local and international partners working in the field,” said Ali Al-Za’tari, the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator

Since the inception of the Sudan CHF in 2006 Ireland has been a committed donor, to date committing over US $30 million dollars.