The Government of Ireland contributes US $1.6 million to the Sudan Common Humanitarian Fund 2015 [EN/AR]


Khartoum, 20 May 2015. Ireland contributed US $1.6 million to the Sudan Common Humanitarian Fund (CHF) 2015. Ireland has been a committed supporter of the CHF, contributing some $36.9 million since 2006. This contribution comes at a critical time, when funding for humanitarian action in Sudan is limited and humanitarian needs are growing.

Speaking about Ireland’s decision to make a further contribution to the Sudan CHF, Minister of State for Development, Trade Promotion and North-South Cooperation Mr. Seán Sherlock said, “Ireland is a longstanding supporter of the Sudan CHF. Last year, the fund was used to help UN agencies and NGOs provide emergency shelter materials, seeds, tools and household items to vulnerable communities, households and individuals in Sudan. The humanitarian outlook for the people of Sudan remains serious for the year ahead. By providing this funding to the Sudan CHF, Ireland is helping to support the provision of timely and reliable humanitarian assistance to those most in need, many of whom have been displaced from their homes by conflict.”

The Sudan CHF helps humanitarians reach the most vulnerable people across Sudan. For the 2015 first round allocation, approximately 91 per cent of funds will be distributed to international and national non-governmental organisations. The CHF reinforces and relies on existing humanitarian coordination structures, which allows for evidence-based prioritization and complementarity with other humanitarian funding sources available in Sudan.

“The CHF remains the most visible source of humanitarian funding in Sudan, particularly to national non-governmental organisations,” said El-Mostafa Benlamlih, the interim Humanitarian Coordinator for Sudan. “The CHF funds will help to support and build the capacity of national partners to promote an effective humanitarian response, especially for those organizations working in challenging and remote areas.”

The Sudan CHF is a multi-donor pooled fund that assists the timely allocation and disbursement of funds to Sudan’s most critical humanitarian needs. To date, the Sudan CHF has received and granted over one billion dollars to international and national NGOs and UN Agencies to enable the implementation of urgent and life-saving projects.