The Government of Norway contributes US$ 6.6 million to the Sudan Common Humanitarian Fund for 2015 [EN/AR]


Khartoum, 26 July 2015. The Government of Norway has contributed US $6.6 million to the 2015 Sudan Common Humanitarian Fund (CHF). Norway has been a committed and a major donor to the Sudan CHF since its inception in 2006.

“Norway is concerned about the humanitarian situation in Sudan,” said Norway’s ambassador to Sudan, Morten Aasland. “We are particularly concerned because the number of people in need of assistance is increasing. Continued conflict in Darfur has forced tens of thousands of families to flee their homes and villages, and they need help. Norway is therefore pleased to support the Common Humanitarian Fund, together with other donors. While needs are on the rise, the available humanitarian funding for Sudan has been decreasing over the last few years. We are seeing a record number of refugees and humanitarian urgencies around the world, and therefore pressure on funding for humanitarian needs worldwide.”

With limited funding available for humanitarian action in Sudan, the Humanitarian Response Plan 2015 targets some 5.4 million people in the greatest need of life-saving humanitarian assistance. The Sudan CHF has further prioritised humanitarian activities, in view of the critical funding gaps across life-saving sectors, to target the most vulnerable people and locations. This is in addition to supporting a coordinated, inclusive, effective and principled humanitarian response in the country.

“The humanitarian community in Sudan, including partners and donors alike, are driven by the principle of humanity to protect life and health and ensure respect for human beings,” said Adnan Khan, the Humanitarian Coordinator for Sudan a.i. “Predictable funding such as Norway’s contribution helps CHF partners maintain their humanitarian response capacity to the most vulnerable people.”

The Sudan CHF is a multi-donor pooled fund that assists the timely allocation and disbursement of funds to Sudan’s most critical humanitarian needs. In 2015, the Sudan CHF has allocated funding to international and national NGOs and UN Agencies to enable them to implement urgent and life-saving projects.