The Government of Sudan, The Sudan People's Liberation Movement And the United Nations - Technical Committee on Humanitarian Assistance Final Communiqué

The Government of the Republic of the Sudan, The Sudan People's Liberation Movement
And the United Nations
Technical Committee on Humanitarian Assistance
Palais des Nations Geneva
2-3 November 2000
Final Communiqué

The United Nations convened the fourth meeting of the Technical Committee on Humanitarian Assistance (TCHA) at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, from 2 to 3 November 2000. The meeting was attended by delegations of the Government of the Republic of the Sudan, the Sudan People's Liberation Movement, and the United Nations. The TCHA met under the Chairmanship of Ambassador Tom Eric Vraalsen, the United Nations Secretary-General's Special Envoy for Humanitarian Affairs for the Sudan. The convening of the meeting was made possible thanks to the generosity of the Government of Sweden.

In opening this the fourth meeting of the TCHA - following previous meetings in Rome (16-18 November 1998), Oslo (25-26 May 1999), and Geneva (14-15 December 1999), - the Chairman noted continuing success of the humanitarian programme, with generous funding from donors over the years. The Chairman pointed out that in reaching the most vulnerable of war-affected communities in the Sudan, the benefits of the programme have accrued to those most in need.

The Chairman drew attention to the inevitability of challenges to successful implementation of humanitarian operations, and the critical importance of continuous dialogue to meeting them. This TCHA continues to provide an invaluable tripartite forum such dialogue.

The meeting addressed issues relating to: humanitarian access including cross-line air, road, rail and river corridors; and the implementation of TCHA protocols relating to security and beneficiaries of humanitarian assistance. In response to an appeal from the Chair, the Parties to the Conflict acknowledged the importance of the National Immunization Days (NIDs) campaign against Poliomyelitis and each confirmed their prior agreement on this matter. The Parties to the Conflict also re-affirmed their commitment to the fundamental principle of unimpeded delivery of humanitarian assistance to affected populations. This assumes particular importance in view of the looming threat of humanitarian crises resulting from drought in key agricultural areas of Sudan including eastern Equatoria.

The participants discussed issues in an open and cooperative manner and were unanimous in calling for full implementation of the previous TCHA agreements and protocols. The meeting called for intensification of combined effort by all three delegations to achieve full implementation.

At the conclusion of the deliberations, the members of the TCHA agreed on the following:

1. Humanitarian Access

The meeting re-affirmed its commitment to the safe, secure and timely delivery of humanitarian assistance to affected populations.

On the matter of cross-line deliveries of humanitarian supplies and services, the Chairman recalled the minimum operational standards for cross-line rail and road corridors, and model implementation plans agreed and developed during pre-ceding meetings of the TCHA.

The meeting re-affirmed the applicability of these existing agreements, including the Security Protocol, and emphasized the urgency of a resumption of cross-line rail and river humanitarian convoys.

The Parties to the Conflict and the United Nations agreed to renew their efforts towards the establishment of a cross-line road corridor from Lokichoggio in Kenya to Kapoeta in southern Sudan, as agreed earlier as a model for cross-line road corridors. All three delegations agreed that regardless of progress made on the Lokichoggio - Kapoeta corridor they remained committed to honouring previous agreements and would consult closely on the identification and development of new cross-line road corridors.

The Chairman introduced for consideration by the Parties to the Conflict the designation of focal points to work with the United Nations on cross-line corridor issues in between TCHA meetings and provide an update the next TCHA on progress made.

2. Security

The Chairman reminded the Parties to the Conflict of the United Nation's Secretary General's Report to the General Assembly of 18 October 2000, which highlighted the unacceptable loss of life of humanitarian personnel, while encouraging member states to observe their primary responsibilities. The Secretary General further re-affirmed his own central decision making authority and responsibility for the safety and security of all United Nations Staff.

In referring specifically to the TCHA Security Protocol signed by all three parties, the Chairman reminded the parties of their commitments and reaffirmation of the provisions of the protocol. The meeting felt that this was particularly important considering the ongoing war in the Sudan, resulting in an extremely dangerous working environment and consequent loss of life of humanitarian workers.

The Parties recognized the vital importance of the security and safety of humanitarian workers and re-affirmed their full commitment to the TCHA Security Protocol.

3. Implementation of TCHA Beneficiary Protocol

The Parties to the Conflict expressed full satisfaction with the "Beneficiary" Protocol signed at the previous meeting of the TCHA in Geneva in December 1999 and welcomed the existence of the Protocol as a mechanism to ensure optimum support for vulnerable populations including the Internally Displaced Persons.

The Parties to the Conflict urged the international humanitarian community to devote more attention to the resolution of chronic problems arising from internal displacements by starting with the compilation of the data necessary for the formulation and implementation of humanitarian assistance targeted to the Internally Displaced Persons and effected needy population. The meeting agreed on the importance of assisting where possible in the processes of voluntary and spontaneous returns. The Parties to the Conflict also re-affirmed their commitment to the freedom of movement of all Sudanese within the territory of the State of Sudan.

4. Humanitarian Cease-fire Grievance Committee

The Chairman while expressing his displeasure over the collapse of the unilateral, partial cease-fire which had been in effect since July 1998, noted the loss of life due to the acts of war both through ground and air offensives. These he said had resulted in large-scale displacement of civilian populations bringing further misery and suffering to a people who can barely meet their basic needs.

5. Grievance Mechanism

The Chairman highlighted what he saw as the value of an independent Grievance Committee and noted that such a committee could reinforce the adherence to cease-fires and the building of confidence.

The Chairman requested the Parties to the Conflict to consider this proposal.

All delegations emphasized the value of the TCHA as a forum for discussions and resolution of both bilateral and trilateral issues arising during the course of the implementation of humanitarian assistance programmes interventions, and for bringing together the Parties to the Conflict to further agree on the implementation modalities for the delivery of assistance.

The meeting agreed that the TCHA should stand ready to reconvene as and when necessary, and at a mutually agreed date and venue.

Chol Deng Alak
State Minister for Social Planning
For the Government of the Republic of the Sudan

Nhial Deng Nhial
Member of SPLM/A Leadership Council and
Chairman of SPLM Commission for External Relations
For the Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement

Ross Mountain
United Nations Assistant Emergency Relief Coordinator
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
For the United Nations

Geneva, 3 November 2000