Media Advisory: UN Humanitarian Chief Mark Lowcock to visit Sudan [EN/AR]


WHO: Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Mark Lowcock

WHAT: Mission to Sudan

WHEN: 22 – 24 November 2019

WHERE: Khartoum and Kassala

United Nations humanitarian chief Mark Lowcock will visit Sudan from 22 to 24 November to see the humanitarian situation in the country and advocate for sustained international support to address current needs. This is his first mission to Sudan since the transitional Government was formed in August 2019.

During his visit, the Emergency Relief Coordinator will meet with senior officials from the transitional Government, the diplomatic community, and humanitarian organizations. He is also expected to travel to Kassala, eastern Sudan, to visit health facilities and talk to local communities who have been affected by recent economic shocks and recurrent disease outbreaks, and meet youth volunteers involved in the response.

Current humanitarian needs in Sudan are driven by a combination of erratic weather, multiple disease outbreaks and the economic crisis. More than 8.5 million people, including 1.9 million who remain internally displaced, need humanitarian assistance - and the situation is expected to deteriorate further.

On 24 November, a media briefing has been scheduled from 12.00 p.m. to 12.30 p.m. at the Council of Ministers following USG/ERC Lowcock’s meeting with the transitional Government.

For media opportunities during the mission, please contact:

• In the field, during the mission: Saviano Abreu, local mob: +249 912130340, WhatsApp: +34 628 498 279,

• In Sudan: Mary Keller, +249 912174454, / Alimbek Tashtankulov, +249 912160361,